fredag 1. januar 2010

The first photos in 2010

Happy New Year:)

First of all, we didn't go to our cabin to celebrate The new year there. The reasen was that we was so lucky that our daughter asked us to look after her son, little Leo (our grandshild). We had e wonderful evening with him<3

My first photos in 2010 was of my dear grandchild Leo. He is my Prince of Heart and my dear Rock-buddy <3 <3 <3 He likes the same music as me and I just love it lol. Always when he discover that Bon Jovi's Living in a prayer are coming out of the speakers, he clap he's hands, the whole body is shaking and he has a big big smile on his lovely face <3 He call the song Wao-wao-wao and he says this words only when he listen to this song, And the words is exactly the same "words" the song starts with lol. And of course, we enjoy it together when the rest of the family is outdoors;) lol

Tomorrow we are going to our cabin, so let us hope for plenty of snow, many photos and a lovely weekend;)
Have a very nice weekend, my friends and have fun:) Hugs from me to you all:))

7 kommentarer:

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) sa...

Her var det en liten hjertknuser som var klar for "fest" og nytt år, så flotte bilder av han. Godt nytt år og ha en fin tur på hytta :)

Rune Eide sa...

Det må jo være en førsteklasse erstatning for en hytte tur :-). Den skal der jo få senere.

Et skikkelig sjarmtroll!

Anne sa...

Godt Nyttår snuppa.

Mo`s svar på George Clooney om noen år...

FO - 2 sa...

FOR en sjarmør! :))

Godt nytt år ønskes dere,
alle sammen! :)

Petunia sa...

Godt nytt år Pernille!
Jeg tar deg på ordet angående blogging i 2010 og kommer til å komme inn hit å skrike om det går for lang tid mellom hver gang du blogger;)
Jeg misunner deg det barnebarnet du! For en herlig fyr!!! Er han alltid like blid??

Quint sa...

Wow ... isn't the lad alreeady with that look of Leo, the heartbreaker?
And he is huge!

farash's folk sa...

i saw the fotos they are marvellous, and when i read ur profile i couldnt believe my eyes as im also an aquarian and we also have a dog whose name is Lucky aswell(my dog, a tornjack, wags his tail at this and barks a welcome woof to you, lol}
best of luck for your talent of photography, i wish to see more and more.