Today my pocketcamera (Canon Ixus 500) wouldn't shoot any more photos. The screen was very pink and purple on the side and the photos was very light blue in the middle. It looks like there is a lot of grain on the photo. Hope you undertand what I try to say;) But this is the last photo from my beloved pocketcamera. It's from today. The camera has been a very very good friend in many years. Always in my pocket. I will miss it so much!:(
It is always sad to loose an old riend. Whenever life creates a hole, it is filled by something better than there was before. I like your air-conditioned bicycles!
I'm 54 years, but still haven't realiced that the years are going fast. I still think I'm only 18:) I now live in Kautokeino with my boyfriend and I just love this place:) I'm impulsive and I do love excitement. I have one child and a grandchild. And I love to photograph and I do it all the time. Welcome to my blog:)
6 kommentarer:
Det fikk i alle fall en verdig avskjed med en god dokumentasjon av vinteren.
Lykke til med nykjøp!
Dette bildet ble veldig bra syns jeg.Det var veldig synd med kameraet ditt,at det ikke vil mere.Men,men,det hadde vel gjort sitt.Klemz!
Hoppas du har införskaffat en ny!
(( klem ))
Neimen, stakkars sykler. Har de ikke noe hus å bo i???
It is always sad to loose an old riend. Whenever life creates a hole, it is filled by something better than there was before.
I like your air-conditioned bicycles!
I like this photo a lot.
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